Did You Know That You Have Never Failed in Life?

October 5, 2009 Leave a comment

Did you know that you have never failed in your life? You can’t fail…

That’s right, I said it; you have NEVER failed. Not even once! You are always successful in your life!

Do you believe me?

… I didn’t think so. Well then, I guess I better explain.

My friend, the fact of the matter is, you are the sole creator of your experience. You are responsible for the creative content of your life; and every circumstance, condition and event in it is a creation that you brought into being with perfect precision.

Now, you may not like the result of many of the circumstances, conditions and events of your life, however, they are perfectly successful creations. These creations were brought about with 100% efficiency through the creative interaction between your subconscious mind and the natural laws of the universe. You are always successful in manifesting your vision. It is just that your “vision” might not be what you think it is. You may need to look a little deeper into your subconscious mind to find out what you really think…

When you “cook something up” in your life, you use the “ingredients” of thought, word, emotion and action to make your “stew”.

Based on the “ingredients” you put into “the stew”, so to speak, these natural laws brought about an exact representation and cooked it to perfection for you!

But the problem is that you don’t like the taste!

Well, you’re just going to have to use different ingredients if you want to make a better tasting stew!

The ingredients that make up “the stew that is your life” are the self-beliefs that you hold in your subconscious mind. These beliefs are the sum of your thoughts, words, emotions and actions all mixed up together and served to you as your experience.

You see, you never failed. It’s not about trying and then failing. You simply had some ingredients in the recipe that messed up your stew. Those particular ingredients will always make that particular version of the stew.

So, if you don’t like the taste, it’s time to change the recipe! The good news is, you can do this very simply. Will it take some work? Sure, but frankly, I can’t think of any more important work for all of us to do!

If you like John Beresford’s articles, you’ll love Belief Tracks! Through Belief Tracks, John teaches you how your powerful self-beliefs manifest as your life experience and how you can influence this process of personal creation for a better life. Visit John on the web: http://www.belieftracks.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Beresford

“Help! Am I Going Through a Midlife Crisis”?

September 30, 2009 Leave a comment

“Help! Am I going through a midlife crisis”?

[Here is a very common question I just received again from a new student]

“Hi John,

I am 42 and I hate my job and I can’t stand working in the corporate world anymore! I want to head in another direction but I don’t know where to begin. I know school would be an obvious answer but I have also thought of running a B&B or working as a caretaker. How does someone get started stepping out? I have tons of experience in the travel industry and Customer Support. I just don’t think I can take one more day of the rat race!” – Thanks, Julie

Julie, I am well acquainted with your current state of affairs. I know from experience the feelings you are having right now. I took myself out of “The Rat Race” after 20 years in the corporate world. I now specialize in helping others also leave this endless race.

It’s not fun to be stuck in a job or career that we dislike – we all should be doing what we love to do. Yet like your opening admission, it’s hard to know where to start. Most people just react and start making changes without understating the reasons and dynamics that got them where they are to begin with. So, they just change “the scenery”, but usually within a matter of mere weeks or months they start experiencing the same feelings and frustrations as before, because there was no change in mindset.

So, don’t just change jobs or change cities or any of those kinds of things that people do. The grass is never greener on the other side.


Change your mind, change the way you think. Change your mindset. Become a master dreamer of the life you choose to have and work with that image by playing it over and over in your mind until it becomes so. This is the practice of reprogramming your subconscious mind – which is running the show, by the way.

If you think about it, you’ll probably realize that, like most, all your life you have been living based on the “programming” handed down to you by parents and society. You’ve likely ended up doing what you’re doing because, “that’s just the way things are always done”…

For example, the age-old mantra, “Go to school, get a good job, work for a good company and retire”. We all just fall in line into these pre-programmed paradigms of expectation. It is very easy and automatic and nonconscious.

Maybe you should run a B&B? Maybe you should be doing something else that you haven’t even considered? If you learn some simple techniques, your mind will lead you to it…

Job one is to do a factory reboot of your brain and dump all the old ways of thinking. No need to listen to anybody else on this matter. Your “inner-self” (your intuitive mind) is the expert on who and what you are / want to be! You simply need to become aware of it and “be” it. I don’t mean what job you should “do”; I mean what “state of being” do you want to experience (i.e., freedom, joy, happiness, exhilaration, etc)?

Here is where people go wrong, they think if they just “do” a certain thing, then they will “be” what they want to – i.e. “happy”. Life doesn’t work that way – we all have it backwards. The great secret of life that nobody ever taught you is that if you would just “be” something first (“happy”) then all the other things you desire will come to you! Be happy first (even while you’re still in a miserable job) and your state of being (happiness) will draw other people, opportunities and ideas to you! This will lead you where you want to go. Your life experience is created and generated always from your “states of being” – day in day out…

Within you right now is the power and ability to create and accomplish anything you want in life. In order to do that you need to develop a new mindset that accepts that statement as true. You need to visualize a mental image of yourself – as you now choose to be – and hold no other self-image. This will be fought by your subconscious mind as it holds another picture of yourself based on 42 years of programming, but after about 28 days it will start to soften up and accept your new self image if you work at it daily. Unless you do this mental work, nothing else will ever take.

This is probably not the answer you were expecting today, but it is the answer that your yearning drew forth to you!

The world is screaming for more people like you who are willing and ready to share their “real selves” with the world and not just be another gear in the machinery; Good for you!

Thanks for stepping out!

Be BOLD and mighty forces will come to your aid! – Basil King

If you like John Beresford’s articles, you’ll love Belief Tracks Through Belief Tracks, John teaches you how your powerful self-beliefs manifest as your life experience and how you can influence this process of personal creation for a better life.

Visit John on the web: http://www.belieftracks.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Beresford

The #1 Reason Why Your Life is a Mess and What to Do About It

September 15, 2009 Leave a comment

The #1 Reason Why Your Life is a Mess (and What to Do About It)

There is one overriding reason why your life is in the state that it is. And that reason is because your life is the physical reproduction and replication of what you mentally imagine yourself to be – at the subconscious level. This subconscious belief-of-self in turn shapes the manifestation of the conditions, circumstances and events of your life – for better or worse.

Yes, you and I hold what I call “foundational beliefs” about ourselves that reside deep within the subconscious function of our minds. These foundational beliefs are what we “really believe about ourselves” when the chips are down. You know, when we are faced with a problem or challenge, this is the truth that we really hold about ourselves, regardless of what we might say. This is the truth that we then apply to the challenge or problem. The outcomes and results that we subsequently receive in life are then the product of combining our foundational belief to the problem and then watching nature take its course.

So here is a simple formula to keep in mind: A x B = C

“A” is the problem

“B” is your Self-Belief on this topic

“C” is the life outcome you experience

Your “self-belief” (B) is the variable. And the outcome (C) changes depending on the variable of your self-belief. If that subconscious belief that you hold is a negative one, the outcome will tend to be negative. However, when you factor in a positive self-belief, the outcome then changes for the better.

In these cases, people who hold a positive self-belief are the same folks who claim that “problems are just opportunities in disguise”; and they are of course right! This is truly their experience; and their experience further bolsters their self-belief!

Conversely, those with negative self-beliefs see problems as only problems; and they too are right for this is their experience. When the founding beliefs are negative, “the math” can never work in their favor. For these people, they continue to experience this negative cycle, thus further bolstering their self-belief in a rather harsh catch-22!

This is why the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, for the most part.

Now I should mention that I am illustrating this in the sense that these dynamics play out over time in a general sense. Yes, there can be exceptions here and there, but the bottom line is that your foundational self-beliefs will, much more often than not, color and shape the outcomes and quality of your life correspondingly.

Don’t Worry, There is hope!

Now, before anybody gets too depressed – because let’s face it, we all have a slew of limiting beliefs and concepts of self that are constantly wrecking havoc in our experience – let me give you the good news.

The good news is that you are in control of it all! That most powerful of all machines – your subconscious mind – has a boss, and you are it! More specifically, your conscious mind is the boss. As powerful as your sub-conscious mind is, it does take direction from you (or any outsiders you allow) for its program coordinates.

“It is only through your conscious mind that you can reach the subconscious. Your conscious mind is the porter at the door, the watchman at the gate. It is to the conscious mind that the subconscious looks for all its impressions.” – Robert Collier

In fact, for your whole life, your subconscious mind has been listening to you! Every time you called yourself a loser, or unloved, or fearful, or broke or any one of the thousands of self-proclamations you have made, it was taking notes. It was taking you at your word. It was determining that, because you said it, this was your actual desired outcome. So, it went to work fulfilling your desires. And now you don’t like the results, do you?

No problem; now that you know how it works, you can change it.

By the same exact process that got you into this mess, you can get out of it. You just need to start telling a different story about yourself. As awkward as that may feel at first, you have to start talking about yourself and your condition as you would like it to be.

Over time your powerful subconscious mind will start getting the new message. After a period of time that starts taking hold after about 30 days, it will start adjusting your “AxB=C” formula, and then you too will eventually start experiencing preferred outcomes.

If you like John Beresford’s articles, you’ll love Belief Tracks! Through Belief Tracks, John teaches how your powerful self-beliefs manifest as your life experience and how you can influence this process of personal creation for a better life.

Visit John on the web: http://www.belieftracks.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Beresford

Research Proves It… You Are a Robot!

September 2, 2009 7 comments

It is estimated that 98% of all our decisions are made subconsciously – meaning that our conscious decision-making mind is bypassed. This means that the overwhelming percentage of our decisions are made entirely from the auto-response mechanism of the subconscious mind – based on data gathered only from your past history.

The problem is that if the response you would ideally like is NOT in your historical data, then there is no way for your subconscious mind to access it and use it.


This of course becomes problematic if you would like to change some aspect of your life, but that aspect lies “outside” of your current subconscious “blueprint” or concept of self.

Benjamin Libet, in his groundbreaking research that in 2003 garnered the first Virtual Nobel Prize in Psychology from the University of Klagenfurt, showed that although the subconscious mind rules supreme, the conscious mind does have what he termed “Veto Power”.

Libet showed that the subconscious mind is the initiator of all volitional acts, and therefore the concept of “freewill” plays no role in their part. If the brain has already taken steps to act before such time as we are even aware of any desire to perform it, “the causal role of consciousness in volition is all but eliminated”.

Libet also found that the conscious mind did indeed have some level of influence, however. Although the conscious mind plays no role in the initiation of volitional acts, consciousness is exercised through the suppression of subconscious acts, or what Libet termed “Veto Power”. In short, the conscious mind has 150 milliseconds, or no more than about half a second to “veto” an autonomic act.

These findings underscore a few important things about our nature. First, our conscious mind is no match to the power of the subconscious mind. Secondly, the concept of willpower is largely a myth. For example, any so-called self-help approach that relies on conscious willpower is doomed to fail.

So, in order to make any meaningful changes in your life, it is unavoidable. You are going to have to face your subconscious mind.


If you want something different in life, you need to alter the self-image your subconscious mind has developed of you (based on information you have provided over your lifetime). Unless you address the subconscious pre-programming that defines your self-concept, and therefore your life, that change will never happen.

Happy thinking!

Breathing Under Water

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment

Do you remember what it was like breathing under water? I mean, that’s how you started the first 9 months of your life… well, maybe it wasn’t water, per se, but that liquidy, oxygen-filled, nutrient-rich wet gooey stuff? Remember?

In actuality, I think we all may be born with everything we need to thrive in this world, cable-ready so to speak. With all the intuitive and spiritual faculties necessary to live out our life of choice.

And then they get their hands on you and completely screw you up!

You come into this new world naked and open to learning and having experiences, and what do they do? They slap you on your ass and within hours are cutting off part of your manhood. Uhh, I think I got off at the wrong bus stop, nurse… put me back in!

And then it starts…

  • Sit up straight
  • Eat your vegetables
  • Don’t wipe your nose with your sleeve
  • So, if Billy jumped off a cliff, are you gonna jump too?
  • Stop listening to that crap, you’re gonna go deaf
  • Cut that hair
  • Do you want to end up a bum on the street?
  • Get a job
  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
  • Buy low, sell high (ok, that was good advice)
  • Are you going to live in my house until you’re 40?

…And then they pass the baton on to your spouse

  • Don’t leave the toilet seat up
  • You never listen to me
  • Complaint 3 (sorry, I stopped listening at this point)
  • Complaint 4
  • Complaint 5

Geez, breathing under water was so much more pleasurable; the sensory deprivation experience of it all seemed so relaxing, like some kind of free spa. I had 3 squares a day, a warm environment, didn’t have to wear those ridiculous baby uniforms with the matching hat and booties that made me look like a 3-year old “Baby Gap” pimp hanging out in front of toy’s r us. What’s the point of it all?

But I am not cynical!

Believe me; I am not cynical at all. I am not Al Bundy (well maybe just a tiny bit)!

I am truly fascinated by this all; I mean how bizarre is life, you know? We go through all this social conditioning and programming in our formative years, only to realize that these parents who we looked upon as the gods of our lives, were just a couple of scewed up kids trying to figure things out for themselves too. It is a wonder any of us actually survive, but we do. And we learn great lessons – if we are looking for answers.

What is amazing to me is the number of people who walk around all day and are NOT trying to figure out the meaning of it all. How can one look at the moon, for example, and not just stare in utter amazement wondering, “How the heck is that big ball of dirt just floating up there?”

I have been breathing air now for about 45 years and I am ready to start breathing under water again – to return to that cable-ready being that intuitively got it, who had no resistance whatsoever. The being who could bypass all the mixed messages and the marketing hucksters trying to sell me a piece of shiny cheese. The being that was just plugged in and connected. I am ready to create – not regurgitate! It’s time to get off the competitive plane and onto the creative plane, because that is where there is no competition – in the rarified air.

What is your belief threshold?

What is your belief threshold?

You never create anything above and beyond your personal belief threshold – what you believe to be true about yourself. For better or worse, your inner self image, which is what you “believe” to be true about yourself, will control what you experience in life.

Your belief about self, meaning, your belief in the following; how successful you can or cannot be, how much or how little you might weigh, how healthy you are, what kind of mate you can attract, what diseases you may or may not succumb to and how much happiness you can experience; this is what brings these circumstances into your life. You imagine your own coming attractions…

The remedy? Raise the belief threshold on any or all of these topics. Believe something better about yourself and your experience will adjust to that new threshold.

As Albert Einstein once said,

“If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts!”

Develop your chosen theory of yourself, and if your current facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts. You change them by simply repeating the new “facts” (through your thoughts and words) for a long enough time until your subconscious minds gets over-written and adopts the new facts.


Why Are Your Self-Beliefs So Important?

Why are your beliefs so important to you?

Beliefs are important to you because what you believe about yourself on a given subject is what you will eventually experience.

“The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs” – James Allen

For example, if you believe that it is hard to make money, you will always struggle with money. If you believe that heart disease runs strong in your family, you will likely end up dealing with it too…

You can choose what you believe. Your attitude towards beliefs should be based on their usefulness to you – not whether they are technically “true”. The subconscious mind does not consider whether something is true or not before it registers it and programs it in your brain’s neural network.

For example, holding a belief of poverty is not useful to you (even if you have no money and it is technically true). Rather, committing to and holding to a belief of wealth – over time – can overwrite the “faulty” poverty belief. Once the new belief has been established and hard-wired in the brain, the results you see in your life will start to match your newly held belief-state of wealth. This is so because through natural law, our states of mind and belief are re-created as our life experience…

Read more: http://www.belieftracks.com/faqs.htm#ixzz0IujDe0UD&C

What is a Belief?

What is a Belief?

Do you ever really think about what you believe and why you believe it? Do you know how you come to believe what you believe? Do you understand the long-lasting ramifications of your beliefs?

Most people link beliefs with all sorts of moral and religious associations; and while there are many religious and moral beliefs, at a very basic level beliefs are much more than that. Simply put, beliefs are just thoughts that we think over and over. They are repeated thought-patterns that gain a foothold in the mind and become “habits of thought” over time. Very literally, in the brain there is a “hard-wiring” of these habitual thoughts that in time dictate our auto-responses for any given topic. A belief has little to do with truth; it is much more about routine programming of our subconscious mind. (Remember, there was a time when people believed the world was flat!)

Ultimately, beliefs are choices we make. We either deliberately choose to believe in something or by default, we keep allowing a message in. We think about it over and over, all the while, with each repeated re-thought, the hardwiring of the neural network in your brain becomes more and more defined, strengthened and permanent. And with that, your new belief becomes more and more “true” to you. Just like the muscles in your body as you exercise them, those neurons become more and more dominant, transmitting stronger and more frequent impulses through your nervous system. Until one day there is no more question in your mind about its veracity.

So THAT is how that smallish 7-inch trout grew to become the 3-pound monster I talk about at family gatherings!

So why should you care about this? Because what you believe about yourself will play itself out in your life – in full living color. (How this actually happens is a topic for another post).

Deep down, what do you believe about yourself in the following areas?

  • Your ability to be happy
  • Your ability to make a lot of money
  • Your ability to be healthy and well

For example, if you believe that it is hard to make money, you will always struggle in this area and you will never make more money than your beliefs will allow you to.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.” – Proverbs 23:7

The good news here is that beliefs are just like clothes – you can change them if you don’t like how they look or feel.

Although you will need to go to the root of the true belief, or the foundational belief, to address it, you can simply choose to believe something different. There is a process by which you can choose to believe a different, more helpful truth about yourself and if you care for it and nurture it over time, that fish too will start to grow!